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Youtube Player In Nokia Old Time

In the ancient Nokia phone just plain embedded video player that can only play 3gp videos and even then in the category of high memory, how the ancient Nokia phone that only has a very low memory? of course is very difficult even when you play it you will get an "incorrect application" or "insufficient memory" never one solution to this problem is to use third-party application that her jar extension and only use very little memory.

One application that is Youtube Player, this application can not only play the video file extension 3gp but her application was also able to play files directly from Youtube Online with an Internet connection.

We know that those files from Youtube average air-FLV extension, but with this application your Nokia mobile phone or cell phone ancient ancient Java is able to play different types of video files online. Was not the help of Youtube Player ancient phones you look sophisticated and more modern?

May be useful, to download Youtube Player please click Here